Hello World

First, we wanted to acknowledge that this newsletter is way overdue and you have been really patient with us. We’ve been hard at work developing Handrail and we haven’t been putting a lot of time into sending out updates or spreading the word. Today that changes. Thanks for sticking with us!

Second we wanted to say thank you for your curiosity, interest and encouragement in what we are doing to help make the moderated user research process easier. This originally began as something to make our lives easier but because of conversation we’ve had with others experiencing the same types of pain, we decided to create something everyone could benefit from.

We also wanted to send a big thank you to those that have been a part of the concept and validation testing so far (Especially Venture School!). Handrail has been evolving and changing for the better because of your valuable input! If you have not had the chance to give your input or see how far it’s come yet, email me and we’ll get up a time so you can check it out.

And finally, if after reading this you are feeling generous or even a little inspired and know anyone that might be interested in what we are doing to help make the world more Useful, Usable and Desirable…help us spread the word. You can forward this newsletter to a friend, give a shout-out on Twitter or have them check out our website. Anything helps!

Thanks again for your support and we look forward to many more updates!

- The Handrail Team

Table of Contents:

  1. What we’ve been up to
  2. What’s next
1. What we’ve been up to
Lot’s of new functionality!

Some of the items we have have recently added include:

New Functionality

  • Duplication and Deletion!

New Question Types

  • Rating
  • Task Success
Session Duration and Question Time stamping

  • Display session duration
  • Align Audio/Video recording timelines for review
2. What’s next
Next Release

Here’s a little taste of what we plan on releasing next:

  • Deletion of projects, personas and participants
  • Granular duplication tests and their content
  • Exporting Data
  • Other updates based on user testing!

Have a suggestion? Let me know here: Feature suggestion


August - Private Release

October - Public Release

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